Saturday, June 25, 2011

McKay loves his Momma's homemade biscuits, just like any proper Southern boy should.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Today I broke in my new maternity swimsuit - in the backyard kiddie pool.

Thank goodness for privacy fences.

But the best part was that I got to eat Popsicles and play Toy Boats with this little cutie.

Oh, the fun we have at our house!
My back's too sore,
My bra's too tight,
My belly's too big,
But I can shake it from left to right!

That was one of the camp songs I was called out of the crowd to sing at Girls' Camp last week. (I added the belly part.)

And that's how I feel right now. Except I'm not really feeling the shaking part, unless we're once again talking about my stomach. I didn't get out of bed until 8:15 this morning, but I still feel so tired and all I want is a nap. Maybe it's because McKay started off the morning in a meltdown because he couldn't feed himself his eggs with a spoon like he wanted so badly too do and he was STARVING to death. We fixed the problem (I fed him and gave him some toast he could feed himself), but he didn't really get over it. But I still had to drag him to the office to turn in some paperwork and complain to a co-worker about how ridiculous our agency treats us and he was none to happy to be there and having people talking to him.

We then rushed to the library for book/singing/craft time - our first ever. I think he liked it, but it still wore me out chasing him.

And now I am nauseated from my lunch, hot from the Florida summer, discouraged about the grocery list I just made because I have to spend hours cutting coupons in preparation for it and still won't have the money I need, and just sleepy. But McKay is sleeping so I need to clean the bathroom, clean my bedroom, catch up on work paperwork, clean the kitchen, return emails, etc., etc., etc.

What to do?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I bought a tent today, suspiciously posing under the name "maternity swimsuit."

Saturday, June 4, 2011

I don't know what possessed me. It started with my pretty vegetables I bought from the farmer's market that morning and then just escalated. I didn't think it right put those veggies in a dirty crisper, so I decided to clean it out. Then the fruit drawer looked dingy in comparision so I had to clean that out, too. The next thing I knew, I was scrubbing the entire fridge. I don't clean out fridges. I do other things with my time like...anything else. Complete insanity.

Friday, February 18, 2011

A fellow shopper stopped to talk to McKay and tell him out handsome he was. She was thin and grey-haired and wore an emblished purple shirt. And a purple sequinted headband with a small matching feather sticking out of it. I think she was with her son shopping.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The day laborers were digging by hand a long, narrow, shallow, and perfectly straight trench along the banks of the canal, presumable to bury cables of some sort. It looked like a fortress built by a tribe of moles. When they finished the job, they covered it up and packed down the dirt, making a long, uniform scar on the ground.